Monday, May 6, 2013

Finals Week

Well it is upon us. That dreaded week for finals to be taken and what do you know I have 3 in one day. Lucky me haha. At least one is a take home if only my procrastination skills hadn't become so honed in these past 4 years I would already be done with it. Ahhh well it will get done and it will get done well when it wants to. Being sick on top of the procrastination is not hepful either. A pounding headache is not condusive to writing about Aggregate Demand and how it is seen by Keynsian or Classical economics and blah blah blah blah blah. See I cant even keep myself interested right now. Writing this post is one of the most productive things I have done in the past couple days. But let me give you a run down....and maybe some pictures if they cooperate.

Friday: Last day of classes and Luaupalooza. My first class at CUA was german and so was my last. I find this incredibly fitting and wouldnt want it any other way. I treated myself to some starbucks in honor of the occasion.
Yum yum
We also had Luaupalooza which is a big end of school party that the school puts on for us.
 My roomies and I at our last Luau

 Yup we have Hula girls and Fire Dancers

Gonna Miss this! Haha dont mind the trash bins that was where we unfortunatley got stuck next to in line for t-shirts
Saturday I had a very lazy day not doing anything but trying to rest up and get myself better from whatever bug it seems I have picked up.
Sunday I was inducted into Pi Gamma Mu which is a social sciences honor society. Here are some pics from that:

 Roomies got inducted too =)

Oh and I also got to watch a movie with my wonderful boyfriend...he is sick too and I had stolen the Finding Nemo dvd so we both watched together. Thank tht Lord for technology=)


Friday, May 3, 2013

Last Day of College

So today will be my last college class of my undergraduate career at CUA. Luckily for me it is my favorite class this semester, German!! So it will be bittersweet but I am ready. Ready to be done with school, finals next week, senior week after that, and then the big day of Graduation. =) I can't wait! A bonus here at CUA is on the last day of classes before summer we have Luaupalooza which is basically a huge fun party for all of us here on campus to celebrate our sucesses and have one final blowout before finals and everyone leaves for summer. I love it and am so excited for the fun, friends, and food. Speaking of food I will need to get a workout in right after class in order to eat all the sweet treats I am looking forward to. So is a short post today but hey it is a post.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Slacking and my Weekend Getaway

Soooooo remember how I mentioned I need my own Emily?!?! Haha sorry for the slacking already. It is the last 2 days of classes in my college career and it has been a funky time emotionally for me as well so blogging has not been at the top of my to-do list, even with the blogging challenge =/ Which may unfortunatley fall to the wayside. Ah well somethings gotta give right?

Well now I guess I should tell you about my weekend getaway with my wonderful boyfriend. It was much needed and I couldnt be happier with how it went. Good talks and just time spent together learning about eachother and enjoying eachothers company. It was very needed and greatly deserved. Just made me fall for him anymore. While he was here we went to the Zoo, Air and Space Museum, American History Museum(super briefly so he could see all the cars)*, and the Baltimore Aquarium where I may or may not have had a minor meltdown in the 4D film but thats another story for another day....maybe. Overall it was a great weekend and I couldn't be happier to have spent it with him. It isnt easy living 500 miles from your man but hey only 16 more days or so of that. =)

Now for some pics:
Jason and I
 I want a Puffin!!!


*Jason is a mechanic and car junkie as I would like to call him. So I was happy to take him there even though there was not as much as there should be for the importance of cars in American life.